My finished pair of toe-up socks, not blocked and ends not woven in yet…
I am new to knitting socks. I only started knitting them this past January. So back in February, Ana offered a Crash Course on Toe-Up Socks through Vogue Knitting Live. I decided to take it, and I have fallen in love with knitting toe-up socks. Since taking her class, I decided to knit a pair using Crazy Zauberball in Indisch Rosa.
The pattern I used to knit my socks was provided by Ana with the class she taught. I thought this would work perfectly with my self striping yarn. I’ll let you all be the judge of that! The one thing I really contemplated was how close I wanted the pair to match. With luck, they turned out pretty close. It wouldn’t be a hand knit by me without a mistake! I noticed that I was short a stitch when I got to the ribbing of my second sock. To fix it, I just added an increase in that round to even it out so the ribbing would work out. I had knit the second sock in a day, and didn’t have the heart to rip it out and restart it. In all, this pair of socks took me about 4 days to knit.
The start of my toe up socks after I just finished the toe shaping.
The other slight issue with my socks is that there’s a hole right where the heel meets the rest of the sock. When I weave in my ends, I’ll take some of the scrap yarn and fill in the hole.
The main benefit of knitting toe-up: as soon as the heel is finished, the sock can end whenever you like! I have found that 6 inches after the heel is the perfect height for me. I personally prefer magic loop over double pointed needles for socks, but toe-up can accommodate both methods!
Want to learn how to knit socks? Join Ana’s Toe Up workshop next month!
The second sock after I had finished the short row heel.
My practice sock from Ana’s Vogue Knitting Live Toe Up Course back in February.