Circle of Stitches

Purveyors of fine yarns and witchy goods

Shawls for Grandma Tina

Ana CamposComment

A couple of months ago, I briefly put up a request on Instagram: handmade shawls for my grandma.

The adorable sweet lady in these photos is my grandmother, grandma Tina. She’s 93 years old and lives in Brazil, my home country.

My gran is a super talented seamstress, knitter, and crocheter (among many other skills), and over the decades, she created beautiful heirlooms for the entire family. In the last few years she’s had to stop crafting because of arthritis in her hands and declining eyesight. A couple of years ago, I decided it was her turn to be on the receiving end, and started knitting shawls for her. She’s been so appreciative! I truly believe that only another knitter or crocheter can truly appreciate the effort that goes into a piece,

This amazing lady has had a very difficult couple of years. We lost my father in 2020, and my gran lost her youngest son, which has been incredibly heartbreaking for her. I wanted to shower her with love, so I put out a call: who wanted to knit a shawl for me to bring home to my gran?

After an 11-month delay in my promise to go back and visit her ASAP, I finally made it back in late November, with 10 handknit shawls for my gran. My endless gratitude to those of you who helped me bring her so many smiles. She even wrote a thank you note, which you can hear about in our latest podcast episode!

Rebel knit by Erin Pararas

Be Simple Variations knit by Alex Wechsler

The Age of Brass and Steam knit by Michelle Yanofsky

Reverb Shawl knit by Sarah Boci

The Girl from the Grocery Store by Kat @kefknits

Hitchhiker knit by Sarah Boci

? knit by Lisa Hutchinson

Free Your Fade knit by Tessa Belkin

A Girl's Best Friend knit by Aimee Gilles of La Bien Aimee

Close to You knit by Jennifer Goldenberg